Come nasce Lindt?

Come nasce Lindt?
1899: la nascita di Lindt & Sprüngli - La perfetta partnership. Nel 1879 Lindt si imbatté nel segreto che avrebbe reso celebre in tutto il mondo il cioccolato svizzero.
Chi ha comprato la Lindt?
Dato che Lindt ha di recente acquisito Russell Stover e Ghirardelli, il produttore italiano dovrebbe effettivamente raddoppiare il proprio portafogli di marchi, qualcosa che potrebbe non volere, avendo per decenni deciso di concentrarsi solo su quattro marchi».
Dove produce la Lindt?
È stata fondata nel 1845 da David Sprüngli-Schwarz e da suo figlio Rudolf Sprüngli-Ammann. La produzione viene realizzata in Svizzera presso la casa madre di Kilchberg (Zurigo) e nelle altre sedi europee in Italia, in Germania, in Francia e in Austria, e nelle due sedi negli Stati Uniti.
What is the history of Lindt?
- Immerse yourself in the chocolaty history of Lindt, one of Switzerland’s finest and most enjoyed exports. A man and his son It is 1845 in Zurich. David Sprüngli-Schwarz and his son, Rudolf Sprüngli-Ammann own a small confectionery shop, Sprüngli & Son in the Marktgasse, in the city’s Old Town.
What happened to Lindt & Sprüngli?
- In 1905, Lindt passed away and Lindt & Sprüngli AG continued on an upwards trajectory, aided by the conching process. By 1915, it was exporting three-quarters of its chocolate to twenty countries around the world. Soon after the Second World War, Lindt & Sprüngli’s chocolate was in high demand.
Who are the Lindt master chocolatiers?
- Driven by their passion, dedication and innovative spirit since 1845, The Lindt Master Chocolatiers are committed to their craft like no one else in chocolate making. From selecting the finest ingredients to roasting and grinding cocoa beans to perfection, the Lindt Maîtres Chocolatiers create the ultimate Lindt chocolate delights.
When did Lindt start making ice cream?
- In 1915 the company exports roughly three-quarters of its output to twenty different nations around the world. Despite difficult conditions, Lindt & Sprüngli incorporates in the state of New York in 1925, founds its first subsidiary in Berlin with a factory for licensed production in 1928, and froms a subsidiary in England in 1932.