What is a stoop means?

What is a stoop means?
1a : to bend the body or a part of the body forward and downward sometimes simultaneously bending the knees. b : to stand or walk with a forward inclination of the head, body, or shoulders. 2 : yield, submit. 3a : to descend from a superior rank, dignity, or status. b : to lower oneself morally stooped to lying.
Does stoop mean porch?
Stoop, "a small porch", comes from Dutch stoep; (meaning: step/sidewalk, pronounced the same as stoop) the word is now in general use in the Northeastern United States and is probably spreading.
What does stoop fate mean?
They stoop to fate, And must give up their murmuring breath, When they, pale captives, creep to death.” By this line the poet means that, some men who have swords with them often win battles. klondikegj and 2 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 1.
What is a stoop position?
A common definition of a stooped posture was “bent forward and down at the waist and/or mid-back while maintaining straight legs.” A squatting posture can be described as a “bending of the knees so that the buttocks rest on or near the heels”.
What is vocabulary words of stoop?
stoop Add to list Share. Stoop means to lean your head and torso forward and down. If you're six feet tall and you tour a historical building, you'll have to stoop to get through the low doorways. Stoop comes from the same root as steep. You can stoop to clear a doorway, or stoop metaphorically, by lower your morals.
How low can you stoop meaning?
(written) lower your moral standards far enough to do something bad or unpleasant: I hope none of my friends would stoop so low as to steal. ♢ She suggested placing an ad in a magazine for a boyfriend, but I'd never stoop so low. See also: low, stoop.
How big should a stoop be?
Standard Widths. The minimum width for porch steps is 36 inches, but 48 to 60 inches provides more comfortable access. Porch steps 48 inches wide accommodate one person easily and safely; wider porch steps allow two or more people to comfortably navigate the staircase.
What is an outdoor stoop?
Stoops are simple raised structures in front of a home, typically with a step (or several stairs) and a railing that lead to the entrance. Unlike a porch or patio, a stoop usually doesn't have a roof or overhang to protect it—or you—from the rain or sun.
How do people stoop low?
To lower one's ethical standards (or perceived standards) by behaving in a malignant, self-centered, or despicable manner. In the wake of these vicious attacks, it's horrible to think that our fellow citizens could stoop so low in the name of patriotism.
Who wrote death the Leveller?
James Shirley A 17th Century remembrance poem by James Shirley, ideal as an epitaph, eulogy or funeral reading for your loved one.