Chi sono le monache trappiste?

Chi sono le monache trappiste?
trappisti Nome con cui sono comunemente chiamati i cistercensi della stretta osservanza, dal nome dell'abbazia benedettina Notre-Dame de la Trappe, fondata nel comune di Soligny in Normandia , da Rotron III, conte di Perche (1140), aggregata a Citeaux (1147) e presa come sede della congregazione cistercense riformata ...
Cosa sono e quante sono le birre trappiste?
Si definisce birra trappista una birra brassata da monaci trappisti o sotto il loro diretto controllo. Dei 176 monasteri trappisti nel mondo, solo dodici producono birra (sei in Belgio, due nei Paesi Bassi, uno negli Stati Uniti, uno in Austria, uno in Italia e uno nel Regno Unito).
What happened to the Cistercians of La Trappe?
- In 1892, seeking unity amongst the different Trappist observances, the Trappist congregations left the Cistercian Order entirely and merged to form a new order with the approval of Pope Leo XIII named the 'Order of Reformed Cistercians of Our Lady of La Trappe', formalising their identity and spirituality as a separate monastic community.
Where are the Trappist monasteries?
- In 1940, there were six Trappist monasteries in Asia and the Pacific, only one Trappist monastery in Africa, and none in Latin America. Now there are 13 in Central and South America, 17 in Africa, and 23 in Asia and the Pacific. In general, these communities are growing faster than those in other parts of the world.
Where did the Trappes get their name?
- They are named after La Trappe Abbey, the monastery from which the movement and religious order originated.
Who led the reform of the Trappe monastery?
- Armand Jean le Bouthillier de Rancé, originally the commendatory abbot of La Trappe, led the reform. As commendatory abbot, de Rancé was a secular individual who obtained income from the monastery but was not a professed monk and otherwise had no monastic obligations.