What is a stooge slang?


What is a stooge slang?

What is a stooge slang?

stooge. / (stuːdʒ) / noun. an actor who feeds lines to a comedian or acts as his foil or butt. slang someone who is taken advantage of by another.

What is a political stooge?

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization. ... Shills may be employed by salespeople and professional marketing campaigns.

What is a stooge in psychology?

(psychology) A confederate; a person who is secretly working for the researcher, unknown to the study participant.

What does Stuge mean?

A person who's fooled into doing all the hard or dirty work for someone else is a stooge. If you're the butt of someone's mean jokes, you're also a stooge.

How do you use stooge in a sentence?

Stooge sentence example

  1. I played the stooge as well as I could. ...
  2. He was not really a politician and was quite gentle and honest for a political stooge . ...
  3. Saddam Hussein will undoubtedly be removed but only to be replaced by a pro-US stooge resting on US and British military might.

What does Lackey mean in British slang?

A lackey is someone who works for someone else and tries to get ahead by kissing up to his superiors. For example, a lackey might carry his employer's luggage or fetch her cappuccinos. A lackey can also be a servant who wears a uniform, like a butler, doorman, or valet.

How do you use unequivocally in a sentence?

1. We are unequivocally in favour of the changes. 2. He stated unequivocally that he knew nothing about the document.

How do you use unimpeachable in a sentence?

Unimpeachable in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Most of the voters saw the candidate as unimpeachable and completely trusted his every word.
  2. At first the president seemed unimpeachable, but recently there have been reports that add a shadow of doubt to his trustworthiness.

What is a mercenary person?

Definition of mercenary (Entry 1 of 2) : one that serves merely for wages especially : a soldier hired into foreign service mercenaries who guaranteed the success of the rebellion — B. F. Reilly. mercenary.

What does improvident mean in English?

Definition of improvident : not provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future.

What does the word "Stooge" mean?

  • 1. cruise in slow or routine flights. 2. act as the stooge. 3. act as a stooge, in a compliant or subordinate manner. Familiarity information: STOOGE used as a verb is uncommon.

What does the name Stooge mean?

  • The partner in a comedy team who feeds lines to the other comedian; a straight man.
  • One who allows oneself to be used for another's profit or advantage; a puppet.
  • Slang A stool pigeon.

What is the plural of Stooge?

  • The plural form of stooge is stooges. What is a stooge man? A stooge or stooges may refer to: Straight man (stock character), a comedian who feeds lines to another. What does the name Stuge mean?

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