Quanto prende un commesso?


Quanto prende un commesso?

Quanto prende un commesso?

Stipendio Commessa - Variazioni
Commessa in un Supermercato1.230 €/mese+12%
Commessa 5° Livello 40 Ore1.210 €/mese+10%
Commessa Full Time1.190 €/mese+8%
Commessa Intimissimi1.180 €/mese+7%

Quanto guadagna un Commesso AW LAB?

Stipendi per AW LAB
Posizione lavorativaStipendio
Stipendi da Commessa addetta alle vendite presso - 1 stipendi segnalati775 €/mese
Stipendi da Sales Assistant presso - 1 stipendi segnalati43.821 €/anno
Stipendi da Retail Sales Associate presso - 1 stipendi segnalati722 €/mese

Quanto prende un direttore MediaWorld?

56.875 € Domande frequenti sugli stipendi di MediaWorld La retribuzione media di MediaWorld varia da circa 56.875 € all'anno come Store Manager a circa 56.875 € all'anno come Store Manager.

Why did GameStop go out of business?

  • The company was founded in Dallas in 1984 as Babbage's, and took on its current name in 1999. The company's performance declined during the mid-late 2010s due to the shift of video game sales to online shopping and downloads and failed investments by GameStop in smartphone retail.

What is GameStop GameStop?

  • Gamestop GameStop is a family of specialty retail brands that makes the most popular technologies affordable and simple. EB Games’ retail stores are the place for gamers and non-gamers alike to come together to learn, try and take home the greatest gaming products!

What is GameStop Game Informer magazine?

  • Game Informer is a magazine owned by GameStop, Inc. and primarily sold through subscriptions which can be purchased at GameStop locations. Purchasing a subscription to the magazine also gets the subscriber the PowerUp Rewards Pro card, a premium version of GameStop's loyalty card.

Does GameStop have a store in France?

  • GameStop, which had previously owned no stores in France, now had 332 French video-game stores. In November 2009, it acquired a majority stake in Jolt Online Gaming, an Irish browser game studio. Jolt closed in 2012.

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