Come si fa ad entrare allo IED?


Come si fa ad entrare allo IED?

Come si fa ad entrare allo IED?

Per iniziare il processo di ammissione ad un corso IED, gli studenti dovranno presentare la propria candidatura online sul sito IED (, richiedendo le credenziali per il Login al proprio Admission Advisor.

Che cosa significa IED?

Gli ordigni esplosivi improvvisati, più comunemente conosciuti come IED (Improvised Esplosive Device), sono ordigni realizzati in maniera artigianale tramite l'impiego di esplosivi recuperati da parti di ordigni convenzionali (proiettili e mine) ed esplosivi artigianali fatti in casa.

Cosa serve per entrare allo IED?

Lo IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) è una scuola professionale privata in cui si può studiare disegno industriale, moda e arti visive frequentando dei corsi post-diploma, master e specializzazioni.

Chi ha fondato lo IED?

Istituto Europeo di Design
MottoFind your Difference
FondatoreFrancesco Morelli

What is an IED course?

  • IED courses in visual arts are creative labs that train professionals in graphic, media design, video design, sound design, animation, CG animation, photography and illustration. IED courses in communication blend designers’ way of thinking, sensitivity and methodology with business viability, management strategies and market value creation.

What is the IED International Scholarship competition?

  • International Scholarship competition 20/21. IED offers 53 scholarships to support those talents who want to study abroad and boost their training path with an experience in Italy or Spain. Whether you are considering to take an Undergraduate or a Master course, the scholarship will cover 50% of the tuition fee!

What is idied design?

  • IED Design is strategy and project development. Working with companies and professionals, students acquire a human-centred mind set and become entrepreneurs of their own ideas.

What is an IED attack fact sheet?

  • IED Attack Fact Sheet: Improvised Explosive Devices. An improvised explosive device (IED) attack is the use of a "homemade" bomb and/or destructive device to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. IEDs are used by criminals, vandals, terrorists, suicide bombers, and insurgents.

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