Qual è la differenza tra State e country?


Qual è la differenza tra State e country?

Qual è la differenza tra State e country?

L'idea che mi sono fatta e' che country significhi stato inteso come nazione, paese, (oltre, ovviamente, agli altri significati non adatti al caso, come campagna ecc...), quindi io nel campo corrispondente inserirei "Italia". Mentre state penso significhi Stato o Dipartimento di Stato.

Cosa si intende per State Province?

State/Province/Region“, che tradotto significa “Stato/Provincia/Regione”. Se vivi in Italia, devi indicare la provincia.

Come si dice Nationality al plurale?

nationalities {plurale} nazionalità {f. pl.} The nationalities of Europe are not changed, they are the creation of God.

Cosa si intende per Last Name in inglese?

1 surname, (Am) family name, last name.

Quali sono gli aggettivi di nazionalità in inglese?

NazioneAggettivoSost. sing.
DenmarkDanisha Dane
EnglandEnglishan Englishman
FranceFrencha Frenchman
The Netherlands (Holland)Dutcha Dutchman

What is the difference between a state and a country?

  • As nouns the difference between country and state is that country is (label) an area of land; a district, region while state is a polity. As adjectives the difference between country and state is that country is from or in the countryside or connected with it while state is (obsolete) stately.

What is the difference between a province and a state?

  • In most cases, a province and state will be the same thing. There are specfic differences within the contexts of certain countries, but at a high level, they serve the same purpose. States and provinces are regions designed to organize administrative zones within a country.

What is an example of a nation-state?

  • Separately, there also exists a “nation-state”, which exists when a state or country also share the same nationality. For example, while Columbia is an independent country, it is also made up of those who consider their nationality Colombian due to shared culture, religion and language.

What makes a country a country?

  • In order to be considered a country, a territory would have to regulate its own government and economy, have its own army and stand without support. In Europe, for example, the dissolution of certain merger states like Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, the USSR, or Czechoslovakia highlight the differences in nationalities combined into single countries.

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