Chi sono le statue della Fontana di Trevi?


Chi sono le statue della Fontana di Trevi?

Chi sono le statue della Fontana di Trevi?

Alimentata da uno dei più antichi acquedotti di Roma, la Fontana di Trevi rappresenta Oceano su un carro trainato da cavalli marini e tritoni. ... Fu scelto lo scultore Nicola Salvi che nel 1732 iniziò i lavori, ma la fontana fu conclusa solo trent'anni dopo nel 1762 da Giuseppe Pannini.

Dove vanno a finire i soldi della Fontana di Trevi?

Esiste, infatti, da anni una convenzione tra il Campidoglio e la Caritas diocesana della Capitale. In poche parole, tutti i soldi raccolti vengono impiegati in opere di beneficenza per indigenti, malati e senzatetto.

What is the significance of the statues in Trevi Fountain?

  • Iconography- The Statues of Trevi Fountain Trevi fountain, like all great pieces of art, tells a story. The statues and reliefs incorporated into the fountain are allegorical, each symbolizing and conveying a specific concept. In the centre of the fountain is a statue of Oceanus, standing under a triumphal arch.

Why is it called La fontana di Trevi?

  • The name ‘ La Fontana di Trevi ’ is derived from tre via, or three roads. Three roads used to come together at the site of the fountain. It is tradition during your citytrip Rome to throw a coin into the fountain – keep your eyes closed and throw the coin into the water over your left shoulder using your right hand.

When is the best time to visit the Trevi Fountain in Rome?

  • You can visit the fountain both during the day and in the evening, when it is illuminated by beautiful lighting. The ‘ Fontana di Trevi ’, or the Trevi Fountain is perhaps the most famous fountain in the world and definitely in Rome.

How much does it cost to refurbish Trevi Fountain?

  • In more recent times, Trevi Fountain was the subject of a refurbishment effort by a fashion house called “Fendi” which cost an incredible $2.2 million. It took seventeen months to complete this restoration in which the facade was cleaned, new pumps were installed and Latin inscriptions were replaced.

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