Chi può fare pet therapy?


Chi può fare pet therapy?

Chi può fare pet therapy?

La pet therapy è un lavoro di gruppo. Paziente, animale, medico, psicologo, veterinario, etologo, addestratore e terapista.

Come diventare educatore di pet therapy?

Oggi per diventare un professionista di interventi assistiti con gli animali (Iaa), comunemente noti comepet therapy”, bisogna seguire corsi specifici, master erogati esclusivamente da università o frequentare corsi di enti formativi accreditati con le regioni.

Quali sono i benefici della Pet Therapy?


  • il battito cardiaco della persona diminuisce.
  • i livelli di adrenalina e dopamina aumentano, con effetti positivi sull'umore e sullo stato psicologico.
  • calano le ansie e le paure.
  • aumentano gli stimoli al movimento e si riduce la sedentarietà

Can pet therapy help dementia patients?

  • Two case–control studies 4, 7 explored the effects of pet therapy on demented elderly patients. One study 7 suggested a beneficial effect on Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) and the other found a statistically significant effect of pet intervention on behaviour. 3

What kind of dogs are used in pet therapy?

  • The dogs (three Golden Retrievers and a Pincher) were temperament tested and checked by veterinarians to ensure their health and current vaccination status. Dogs were professionally trained to execute basic commands and were made accustomed to joining the pet therapy session.

Is pet therapy effective in the treatment of emotional disorders?

  • The favorable role of pet therapy has been observed, particularly among elderly. 2 - 5 The frequent co-occurrence of cognitive and mood disorders, psychotic and anxiety symptoms make elderly persons especially suitable for treatments based on affective–emotional motivation and psychological stimulation.

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