Come si dice incognito in inglese?

Come si dice incognito in inglese?
unknown adj. unfamiliar adj. Un poliziotto in incognito passeggiava per il centro commerciale. anonymity n.
Come navigare in incognito su iPhone?
Attivare o disattivare la navigazione privata su iPhone o iPod...
- Apri Safari su iPhone o iPod touch.
- Tocca il pulsante Pannelli .
- Tocca [numero] pannelli per visualizzare l'elenco dei gruppi di pannelli.
- Tocca Privata e poi Fine.
Come si attiva la navigazione privata in Safari?
Impostare la navigazione privata sul Mac
- Impostare la navigazione privata sul Mac. ...
- Se avete Safari nel dock, potete usare l'icona per aprire un menu contestuale e avviare direttamente una finestra privata. ...
- La combinazione di tasti Shift + Command + N apre una nuova finestra privata se avete già attivato il browser.
Is incognito really safe?
- On private networks such as your home internet it is completely safe. Google does collect your data but it doesn’t affect the way it serves targeted ads to you and no data is stored in the browsing history. When you open Incognito mode there is a clear warning.
What exactly does incognito mode do?
- Incognito mode is a particular method of surfing the web via a web browser. It allows a user to hide their web activities from other users on a single, shared personal computer by automatically erasing their browsing/search history and by deleting all cookies at the end of each session.
What does the name incognito mean?
- incognito (Noun) One unknown or in disguise,or under an assumed character or name. ...
- incognito (Noun) The assumption of disguise or of a feigned character; the state of being in disguise or not recognized. ...
- incognito (Adverb) Without revealing one's identity. ...
How do you use "incognito" in a sentence?
- Now that Mrs. ...
- The king fled from Spain,was disgraced by Napoleon,and received the order to retire incognito to Mortfontaine.
- "A Frenchman or a Russian prince incognito," said the officer,looking at Pierre's fine though dirty linen and at the ring on his finger.