Cosa vuol dire lato congruente?

Cosa vuol dire lato congruente?
In geometria, due figure si dicono congruenti (dal latino congruens: concordante, appropriato), quando hanno la stessa forma e dimensioni, quindi quando sono perfettamente sovrapponibili.
Quali sono i poligoni con i lati congruenti?
Un poligono regolare è un poligono convesso che è contemporaneamente equilatero (cioè ha tutti i lati congruenti fra loro) e equiangolo (cioè ha tutti gli angoli congruenti fra loro).
What is the dictionary definition of congruent?
- Define congruent. congruent synonyms, congruent pronunciation, congruent translation, English dictionary definition of congruent. adj. 1. Corresponding; congruous. 2. Mathematics a. Coinciding exactly when superimposed: congruent triangles. b. Of or relating to two numbers that have...
Are genera always congruent?
- They are not congruent and can never be in the actualized universe. Genera; almost completely congruent; the Nymphalideous genera can be based on the structure of the larv, 444. The identity of quality between congruent segments is generally of this character.
What is the meaning of congruence of triangles?
- 1 Congruence of Triangles. Two triangles are said to be congruent if their sides have equal lengths and angles are equal in measures and they can be superimposed on each other. 2 Congruent Shapes. When one shape is placed over the other and if they superimpose one over the other, they are said to be congruent. 3 Related Articles on Congruent. ...
What is an example of a congruent shape?
- The same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn. In this example the shapes are congruent (you only need to flip one over and move it a little). Angles are congruent when they are the same size (in degrees or radians).