Che lavoro faceva Sirius Black?

Che lavoro faceva Sirius Black?
Sirius Black III era un mago Purosangue appartenente alla Famiglia Black. Era molto amico di Lily e James Potter, nonché padrino del di loro figlio Harry Potter. Muore nello scontro con i mangiamorte al ministero della magia per mano della cugina Bellatrix Lestrange.
Chi è Credence in Harry Potter?
Credence Barebone (presumibilmente nato Aurelius Silente, c. 1901) fu un mago americano vissuto agli inizi del ventesimo secolo. Figlio adottivo della direttrice di un orfanotrofio, Mary Lou Barebone, fu il leader della Società del Secondo Salem, un'organizzazione di No-Mag contro i maghi e le streghe.
What happened to Grindelwald's wand?
- In 1998, 53 years after his defeat, Grindelwald was slain in his prison cell by Lord Voldemort, who was searching for the Elder Wand as part of his plan to seize control of the Wizarding World. It was only during the confrontation in Grindelwald's cell that Voldemort learned Albus Dumbledore had claimed the wand long ago.
What was Gellert Grindelwald's slogan?
- For the greater good. ~ 'Gellert Grindelwald's slogan. Gellert Grindelwald is a flashback antagonist, yet very important background character and historical figure from the Harry Potter series of books and their film adaptations.
What happened between Grindelwald and Aberforth?
- The tense situation boiled over into a confrontation and Grindelwald, enraged, inflicted the Cruciatus Curse on Aberforth. Albus moved to defend his brother, igniting a vicious three-way duel in which Ariana was accidentally killed. Aberforth and Albus were devastated.
Who is Grindelwald in the Harry Potter series?
- Delusional Supremacist Gellert Grindelwald is a flashback antagonist, yet very important background character and historical figure from the Harry Potter series of books and their film adaptations. He is also the main antagonist of the prequel series Fantastic Beasts, so far appearing as the main antagonist of the first two instalments.