Come si chiama la prima vertebra dorsale?


Come si chiama la prima vertebra dorsale?

Come si chiama la prima vertebra dorsale?

Nuclei dell'arco anteriore e masse laterali. In anatomia, l'atlante (C1) è la prima vertebra cervicale della colonna vertebrale. Il suo nome richiama l'Atlante mitologico, perché è il supporto della testa, paragonabile a un globo.

Where is your T12 vertebrae?

  • The T12 vertebra is the twelfth thoracic vertebra in the spine of the human body. It is part of the spinal column, which supports the top of the human body.

How many vertebrae are in a human body?

  • There are thirty-three vertebrae in the human vertebral column—seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, five fused sacral vertebrae forming the sacrum and three to five coccygeal vertebrae, forming the coccyx. The regional vertebrae increase in size as they progress downwards but become smaller in the coccyx .

Where is T 12 in spine?

  • For instance, the 12 thoracic spine vertebrae extend from the base of the neck to the bottom of the rib cage, with the T12 vertebra ending just above the pelvis. Furthermore, the T4 vertebra is situated in the area around the pectoral muscles, while the T10 vertebra is located in line with the belly button.

Where is the T12 vertebrae?

  • T1-T12 (thoracic vertebrae): The symbols T1 through T12 represent the 12 thoracic vertebrae. The thoracic vertebrae are situated between the cervical (neck) vertebrae and the lumbar vertebrae. The thoracic vertebrae provide attachment for the ribs and make up part of the back of the thorax (the chest). Tired of Psoriasis?

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