Quanto consuma la Benelli Leoncino 500?


Quanto consuma la Benelli Leoncino 500?

Quanto consuma la Benelli Leoncino 500?

Migliora anche il sound, che sulla Leoncino 500 era apparso fin troppo soffocato, mentre qui suona più metallico e coinvolgente. Consumi medi tra 3,5 e 4 l/100 km, secondo il percorso e lo stile di guida.

Quanto pesa il Benelli TRK 502?

Lunghezza2.200 mm
Larghezza915 mm
Altezza sella da terra MIN800 mm
Interasse1.505 mm
Peso a secco213 Kg

Is the Benelli Trk 502 a high and heavy bike?

  • As all adventure bikes are high and heavy for me, in March I decided to buy this bike, a mid sport adventure bike Benelli TRK 502. It comes with crush bars, charger, panniers rack and screen. Have now 800 miles on the clock, happy with her on the long run, Have not rode her off-road yet.

Is there a benbenelli owner's manual for my motorcycle?

  • Benelli continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual. Download the owner’s manual from the link below:

What makes a Benelli bike look cheap?

  • Although built to meet a price point, nothing about the Benelli looks or feels cheap. Fit and finish are spot-on, and the tubular-steel trellis frame, swingarm and subframe are robust. The beefy 50mm inverted fork offers no adjustability, but the rear shock is fully adjustable.

Is the Benelli Italia manual the most current product information?

  • All this information credited to Benelli Italia. Benelli continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual.

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