Cosa parla il film The Program?


Cosa parla il film The Program?

Cosa parla il film The Program?

Il film di Stephen Frears ripercorre l'intera vicenda del ciclista texano che grazie al doping riuscì a vincere per ben sette volte il Tour de France. ... "Osservando il mondo del ciclismo, pensò che non si potesse vincere senza doping - scrive Walsh nel suo libro -.

In che anno è ambientato The Program?

TRAMA THE PROGRAM The program, film biografico diretto da Stephen Frears, racconta la vera storia di Lance Armstrong (Ben Foster), il famoso ciclista statunitense che vinse il Tour de France per sette volte consecutive, dal 19.

Chi è il regista del film The Program?

Stephen Frears The Program/Registi

What is the trauma therapy program?

  • The Trauma Therapy Program is a SPECIALIZED TRAUMA FOCUSED THERAPY service for persons with childhood histories of trauma.

Is the trauma therapy program a domestic abuse or sexual assault program?

  • The Trauma Therapy Program is not a domestic abuse or sexual assault treatment program. The focus of therapy is directly related to managing impact of symptoms related to childhood trauma. Physical and emotional safety is paramount to therapy and to maximize the benefits of the therapy and to mitigate any risks of harm.

Who are the actors in the program movie?

  • Lee Pace joined the cast in November 2013. Dustin Hoffman joined the cast in December 2013. To better understand his role, Foster took performance-enhancing drugs while shooting the film. Principal photography began in October 2013. The Program grossed $3.3 million worldwide.

Is the program movie about Lance Armstrong a true story?

  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Program (working title Icon) is a 2015 biographical drama film about Lance Armstrong directed by Stephen Frears, starring Ben Foster as Armstrong and Chris O'Dowd as journalist David Walsh. The film is based on Walsh's 2012 book Seven Deadly Sins.

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