Come si chiama la moglie di Bart dei Simpson?


Come si chiama la moglie di Bart dei Simpson?

Come si chiama la moglie di Bart dei Simpson?

Marge Simpson Il personaggio. Marge Simpson è la tipica madre da sitcom, spesso si dimostra ingenua e credulona, ma anche amorevole, perbenista e molto giudiziosa e protettiva nei confronti dei figli.

Come si chiama la figlia Simpson?

Margaret Evelyn Lenny Simpson Margaret Evelyn Lenny Simpson, conosciuta semplicemente come Maggie Simpson, è un personaggio immaginario ed è uno dei protagonisti della serie animata I Simpson. È la più piccola componente della famiglia Simpson, figlia di Homer e Marge e sorella minore di Bart e Lisa.

Come si chiama l'ultima figlia dei Simpson?

Lisa Simpson
Lisa Simpson
UniversoI Simpson
Lingua orig.Inglese
AutoreMatt Groening

Is Mother Simpson the best episode of the Simpsons?

  • Mother Simpson is not my favourite Simpsons episode, but has my favourite Simpsons scene. In an animated comedy, the acting, the score, the message and the feels that had to be crammed into a 1 minute scene and it works wonders, and that is why this episode is a gem.

What happened to Homer's mother in the Simpsons?

  • His mother, Mona Simpson, suddenly arrives at the gravesite and doesn't think that he is actually Homer, but he tells her that it's his grave, so they have a rather emotional reunion after twenty-seven years of separation.

Why is Mona so important to the Simpsons?

  • The Mona character is one of the best and most interesting in the series as she isn't in many episodes. This episode is all about her, and her backstory and the explanation of why she left her son and husband at such a young age. Mona is an important character to every Simpson character in the family.

What is the saddest scene in the Simpsons?

  • Homer gazing upon the stars has been considered one of the saddest scenes in the show. At the post office, Mr. Burns recognizes her and calls the FBI to send Bill Gannon (voiced by Harry Morgan) and Joe Friday (of Dragnet fame).

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