What does slate mean slang?


What does slate mean slang?

What does slate mean slang?

DEFINITIONS2. ​often passive​British​informalto criticize someone or something severely, especially in public.

How do you use the word slate?

1) The sea was the colour of slate. 2) The walls were mostly slate. 3) The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote. 4) The senator has not got a full slate of delegates in New York.

What is Slate example?

The definition of slate is a hard rock that splits into smooth layers, or a list of people running for an office. An example of a slate is a knife-sharpening stone. An example of a slate is everyone running for president of the class.

What does slate mean in business?

SLATES (Search, Links, Authorship, Tags, Extensions, Signalling) is an initialism that describes the business impacting capabilities, derived from the effective use of Web 2.0 technologies in and across enterprises.

What does slate mean in acting?

Slating Slate/Slating- For on-camera auditions only. You will be asked to state your name, and sometimes the agent that sent you to the audition, before you begin the scene. This goes on the tape for the casting director's reference. This is called 'slating'.

What does full slate mean?

adj. 1 holding or containing as much as possible; filled to capacity or near capacity. 2 abundant in supply, quantity, number, etc.

What is a slate in drama?

On its face, slating is a fairly straightforward concept—a “slate” is simply an actor's introduction before they launch into an audition. ... And while stating your name may seem like a throwaway moment before the real work begins, nailing the slate can set the tone for your whole audition.

What does slate mean in politics?

A slate is a group of candidates that run in multi-seat or multi-position elections on a common platform.

What is slate on Zoom?

In the world of Zoom interviews, we have to ask our guests to do a 'slate': their name + 1, 2, 3 + CLAP to match the audio with the video.

What is a personality slate?

Casting Slate. ... A Casting Slate is a way for the agent or casting director to get an idea of who the actor is, his/her comfort level in front of a camera, physicality, as well as personality.

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