Che fine farà la nave Garibaldi?

Che fine farà la nave Garibaldi?
Il piano, dopo oltre un anno di gestazione, è stato confermato dallo Stato Maggiore della Marina, la nave è ora declassata a portaelicotteri da appoggio per le operazioni anfibie e terminerà la vita operativa nel 2023.
Perché le navi da guerra sono grigie?
Normalmente, durante un conflitto, le navi (non solo quelle da guerra, ma anche mercantili e navi di linea adibite ad uso bellico) traevano vantaggio dall'essere verniciate in colori grigi o chiari uniformi che si confondessero con l'orizzonte, ritardandone l'avvistamento.
What country is Trieste located in?
- Trieste. Trieste ( /triːˈɛst/; Italian pronunciation: [triˈɛste] listen (help·info); Slovene: Trst) is a city and a seaport in northeastern Italy. It is situated towards the end of a narrow strip of Italian territory lying between the Adriatic Sea and Slovenia, which lies almost immediately south and east of the city.
When did Trieste become part of Ravenna?
- In 539, the Byzantines annexed it to the Exarchate of Ravenna, despite Trieste's being briefly taken by the Lombards in 567, during their invasion of northern Italy, it was held until the time of the coming of the Franks .
What languages are spoken in Trieste?
- Language. A small proportion of Trieste's population spoke Serbian (about 1.3% in 1911), and the city also had several other smaller ethnic communities, including Czechs, Istro-Romanians, Serbs, and Greeks, who mostly assimilated either into the Italian or the Slovene-speaking communities.
Why choose Trieste for your research?
- Since the 1960s, Trieste, thanks to its many international organizations and institutions, has been one of the most important research locations in Europe with an international school and university.