What is the full meaning of genius?


What is the full meaning of genius?

What is the full meaning of genius?

1 : a very smart or talented person : a person who has a level of talent or intelligence that is very rare or remarkable Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were great scientific geniuses. a musical/artistic/creative genius You don't have to be a genius to see that this plan will never work.

What do you call a genius person?

1 intelligence, ingenuity, wit; brains. 3 mental giant, master, expert; whiz, brain, brainiac. 4 gift, talent, aptitude, faculty, endowment, predilection; penchant, knack, bent, flair, wizardry.

What are 3 synonyms for genius?

Synonyms & Antonyms of genius

  • brain,
  • brainiac,
  • intellect,
  • thinker,
  • whiz,
  • wiz,
  • wizard.

What is genius example?

The definition of a genius is someone with an amazing mental or creative ability. An example of a genius is a person with a very high IQ. An example of a math genius is someone who excels in mathematics. noun. (informal) Ingenious, very clever, or original.

How can I be a genius?

How to Become a Genius: 13 Tips to Boost Your Brain Power

  1. Sit down and think. When was the last time you had a good thinking session? ...
  2. Test your ideas. ...
  3. Train your memory. ...
  4. Read more. ...
  5. Create a morning routine. ...
  6. Study opposing views. ...
  7. Take a culture day. ...
  8. Get more sleep.

Why are geniuses different?

According to conventional wisdom, geniuses are different from everyone else. They can think faster and better than other people. In addition, many people think that all that extra brainpower leads to eccentric or quirky behavior. ... Others feel that IQ tests measure only a limited part of a person's total intelligence.

What are signs of genius?

There are many different signs of genius....Signs of Genius in Children

  • Intense need for mental stimulation and engagement.
  • Ability to learn new topics quickly.
  • Ability to process new and complex information rapidly.
  • Desire to explore specific topics in great depth.
  • Insatiable curiosity, often demonstrated by many questions.

Is genius born or made?

Geniuses are made, not born, and even the biggest dunce can learn something from the world class minds of Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin and Amadeus Mozart.

What qualities does a genius have?

Robert Cornish

  • DRIVE. Geniuses have a strong desire to work hard and long. ...
  • COURAGE. It takes courage to do things others consider impossible. ...
  • DEVOTION TO GOALS. Geniuses know what they want and go after it. ...
  • KNOWLEDGE. Geniuses continually accumulate information. ...
  • HONESTY. ...
  • OPTIMISM. ...

Can everyone be a genius?

Anyone has the potential for genius or, at the very least, greatness. ... David Shenk, author of The Genius in All of Us, says it's virtually impossible to determine any individual's true intellectual limitations at any age; anyone has the potential for genius or, at the very least, greatness.

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