Dove vedere la serie The Fix?


Dove vedere la serie The Fix?

Dove vedere la serie The Fix?

Trovi The Fix in streaming in abbonamento su Netflix.

Come mai non riesco a vedere Mediaset Play?

se la TV è connessa ma l'app Mediaset Play non funziona può essere un problema temporaneo del fornitore di servizio. Se invece il problema persiste verifica che la TV sia aggiornata all'ultima versione del software (Menù→Supporto→Aggiornamento Software).

Why does the Mediaset player keep aborting?

  • The mediaset player however is reporting the following error: "The media playback was aborted because too many consecutive download errors occurred.". The setup (Linux with OpenVPN) itself didn't changed.

What is Mediaset play and how does it work?

  • Mediaset Play is an Android app for this network that operates mainly in Spain and Italy. The app was specifically designed to watch the TV programming in Italy. The best part is that you can enjoy Mediaset Play's high-quality programming anywhere. Mediaset Play offers all the programming a la carte.

What's new with Mediaset play addon?

  • It now supports (almost) fully the new Mediaset Play addon. I improved a lot the structure of the addon. It now supports mediaset login so it can play login only content (login content is also widevine protected so you need to download widevine dlls with inputstream helper if you're not on android).

Why am I having trouble playing a Mediasite presentation?

  • If you are having trouble playing a Mediasite presentation or are encountering excessive buffering/pauses in the video, first verify your computer and your internet service meet the requirements for playing a Mediasite presentation. The web-based Mediasite player is HTML5-compliant and requires no special plugins.

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