Che fine fa Cosimo de Medici?

Che fine fa Cosimo de Medici?
1 agosto 1464 Cosimo de' Medici/Data di morte
Chi era Cosimo primo?
Cosimo I de' Medici (Firenze, 12 giugno 1519 – Firenze, 21 aprile 1574) è stato il secondo ed ultimo duca della Repubblica Fiorentina, dal 15, e, in seguito all'elevazione dello Stato mediceo a Granducato di Toscana, il primo granduca di Toscana, dal 1569 alla morte, avvenuta nel 1574.
Who were the Medici family members?
- Some of the more famously discussed members of the Medici family include: Lorenzo the Magnificent, the Medici popes, Caterina de’ Medici, Cosimo II, and the last heirs Anna Maria Luisa and Grand Duke Gian Gastone. The legacy of the Medici Family continues today as the family patrimony remains preserved in Florence.
Who was in the Medici family?
- House of Medici. The Medici produced three Popes of the Catholic Church — Pope Leo X (1513–1521), Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), and Pope Leo XI (1605) —and two queens regent of France— Catherine de' Medici (1547–1559) and Marie de' Medici (1600–1610). In 1532, the family acquired the hereditary title Duke of Florence .
Where did the Medici family live in Florence?
- ( Medici Palace ) in Florence. Palazzo Medici Riccardi (the Medici Palace) is the renaissance home where the powerful Medici family lived. The palace is most famous for its Cappella dei Magi , the family’s private chapel decorated with frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli, an artistic gem admired the world over.
What is the history of the Medici family?
- The Medici Family. Here you find information and history about the Medici family, the world famous Italian noble family that had a great power in Florence, Italy from the 15th to the 18th century.