What is overhead with example?


What is overhead with example?

What is overhead with example?

Overhead expenses include accounting fees, advertising, insurance, interest, legal fees, labor burden, rent, repairs, supplies, taxes, telephone bills, travel expenditures, and utilities.

What is the meaning of over head?

overhead overhead adjective, adverb [not gradable] (IN AIR) at a level higher than a person's head; in the air or the sky above the place where you are: overhead lighting. A flock of geese flew overhead. overhead.6 giorni fa

What is the synonym of overhead?

  • charge,
  • cost,
  • disbursement,
  • expenditure,
  • expense,
  • outgo,
  • outlay.

What are 4 types of overhead?

There are three types of overhead: fixed costs, variable costs, or semi-variable costs....Fixed overhead

  • Property tax.
  • Business insurance.
  • Interest on mortgage payments.
  • Regular janitorial services.
  • Web hosting.
  • Bookkeeping services.
  • PO box rental.
  • Phone plan.

What kind of word is overhead?

Overhead works as both an adjective and an adverb: "An overhead view of the football field gives the spectators a better idea of the game, and a drone flying overhead is the perfect way to achieve it." There's also an overhead stroke in tennis, an overhead projector showing a movie in science class, and the overhead, ...

What is a word for to much?

Some common synonyms of excessive are exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, and inordinate. While all these words mean "going beyond a normal limit," excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable. excessive punishment.

How do you use overhead in a sentence?

Overhead sentence example

  1. Instead of stars overhead , there were ships. ...
  2. The sun overhead was blinding, the air light but hot. ...
  3. The dark sky stretched far overhead , no sign of morning yet visible. ...
  4. She stood and reached overhead to feel for a ceiling. ...
  5. Trees flew overhead and the sparkling clouds drifted down from the sky.

What does the term cost mean?

In accounting, the term cost refers to the monetary value of expenditures for raw materials, equipment, supplies, services, labor, products, etc. It is an amount that is recorded as an expense in bookkeeping records.

What's the opposite of too much?

What is the opposite of too much?

What does afterlight mean?

Definition of afterlight 1 : afterglow, twilight. 2 : retrospect.

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