A quale banca si appoggia Ing Direct?

A quale banca si appoggia Ing Direct?
ING non si appoggia a nessun ente terzo. In Sicilia ha una sola filiale fisica a Catania, puoi contattarla telefonicamente per informazioni.
Cosa vuol dire agenzia della banca?
Il codice CAB (Codice di Avviamento Bancario) è un numero composto da cinque cifre e rappresenta l'agenzia o specifica filiale dell'istituto di credito identificato dal codice ABI. Con l'accoppiata ABI e CAB quindi si può già facilmente identificare la banca (la specifica sede locale) dove risiede il conto corrente.
Who bought out ING Direct?
- On Novem, ShareBuilder Corporation was purchased by ING Direct, a subsidiary of ING Group for $220 million. In June 2009, ShareBuilder moved its headquarters from Bellevue , Washington to 83 King Street, in the Pioneer Square district of Seattle, Washington.
Who owns ING Direct?
- ING Bank (Australia) Limited trading as ING DIRECT is owned by ING Group which is a publicly listed company.
Is ING Direct Capital One?
- Simply put the ING Direct that Capital One purchased is the one that operates in the United States. Technically it is called ING DIRECT, USA. They didn’t buy all of ING Group — the parent company that operated ING Direct. ING Group still has operations in other areas of the world, particularly in Europe.
What is ING Direct now?
- ING Bank introduced branchless banking in the Netherlands and called it ING Direct. In 2000, ING exported its concept of free online banking, high-yield checking, and savings accounts to the United States. In 2012, Capital One bought ING Direct, and its portfolio of offerings was rebranded as Capital One 360.