For what it is worth meaning?


For what it is worth meaning?

For what it is worth meaning?

Definition of for what it's worth —used to say that one is not sure how helpful something one is about to say will be For what it's worth, I don't think your dad meant to insult you.

For what it's worth meaning synonym?

Synonyms:whatever, anyhow, anyway, no matter how​/​where​/​what etc., not to worry, I'm not bothered, so what?

How much is worth meaning?

if you say how much something is worth, you state its value in money.

For what it's worth meaning in Urdu?

In simple Urdu: کسی کو بات بتاتے ہوئے آپ کو یقین نہ ہو کہ وہ معلومات کام کی یا اہم ہوں، اسی وقت کہا جاتا ہے"۔"

For what is worth in a sentence?

infml used to show that you know someone may not care, but you are going to say something anyway: Nonetheless, I'd like to give my opinion, for what it's worth.6 giorni fa

For what it's worth in sentence?

said when you are giving someone a piece of information and you are not certain if that information is useful or important: For what it's worth, I think he may be right. They are, for what it's worth, the single most successful playhouse in the West.

What's it worth to you meaning?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishwhat's it worth (to you)?what's it worth (to you)?spoken used humorously to ask someone how they will reward you if you do something for them → worth.

How do you use worth?

Worth (adjective)

  1. It's worth visiting/doing/going and so on. “It's worth doing the work before attending the course because you'll get so much more out of it”.[spacer height=”20px”]
  2. It's worth a visit/ a try/ a look. ...
  3. Well worth a visit. ...
  4. Worth the effort/ time/trouble. ...
  5. It's worth doing something. ...
  6. To be worth it.

Is worth the same as value?

Value: “the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.” Worth: “the value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.”

For what it's worth I'm sorry meaning?

informal. said when you are giving someone a piece of information and you are not certain if that information is useful or important: For what it's worth, I think he may be right. They are, for what it's worth, the single most successful playhouse in the West.6 giorni fa

How to calculate your net worth?

  • Tangible net worth is the sum total of one's tangible assets (those that can be physically held or converted to cash) minus one's total debts.
  • The formula to determine your tangible net worth is: Total Assets - Total Liabilities - Intangible Assets = Tangible Net Worth.
  • Calculating your tangible net worth involves totaling all your assets—cash,investments,and property—and totaling all your secured and unsecured debt,and then subtracting the latter from the former.

What is the condition of worth?

  • Conditions of worth. Conditions of worth refer to conditions after which affection is given. It refer to conditions in which the child receives love only when he or she fulfills certain demands.

What is another word for worth?

  • Another word for worth. worth Synonyms. modif. deserving, meriting, equal in value to, priced at, exchangeable for, valued at, worth in the open market, pegged at, cashable for, good for, appraised at, having a face value of, reasonably estimated at, bid at, held at.

What does worth mean?

  • that quality of a thing which renders it valuable or useful; sum of valuable qualities which render anything useful and sought; value; hence, often, value as expressed in a standard, as money; equivalent in exchange; price

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