Come prepararsi ai test d'ingresso della Luiss?
- Come prepararsi ai test d'ingresso della Luiss?
- Quanto dura il test Luiss?
- Quanto costa un anno accademico alla Luiss?
- How many interviews were conducted at LUISS Business School?
- What is the LUISS Business School full-time MBA?
- What is the LUISS Business School alumni network?
- Who is the Dean for Internationalization at LUISS Business School?

Come prepararsi ai test d'ingresso della Luiss?
Mentre per prepararsi alla prova nel modo migliore il consiglio è di studiare su libri specifici per il test di accesso alla LUISS o (per chi desidera un percorso formativo ancora più approfondito) di frequentare il corso specifico per superare il test della LUISS.
Quanto dura il test Luiss?
90 minuti Il test Luiss avrà una durata di 90 minuti ed è composto da 70 domande a risposta multipla, di cui il 70% di tipo psicoattitudinale (ragionamento non verbale, ragionamento logico, problem solving e comprensione verbale) e il restante 30% attinente alle conoscenze scolastiche (matematica, inglese, letteratura italiana e ...
Quanto costa un anno accademico alla Luiss?
LUISS: Le tasse universitarie della LUISS Guido Carli scendono a 9.000 euro all'anno; 4. Cattolica: La retta universitaria dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore è di circa 7.400 euro all'anno; 5.
How many interviews were conducted at LUISS Business School?
- More than 90 interviews were conducted alternatively in Luiss Business School headquarter Villa Blanc or remotely, involving 15 companies and 30 interviewers. This flexible formula allowed us to overcome the restrictions due to the post-pandemic period, and to ensure our students all the opportunities of the network of the School.
What is the LUISS Business School full-time MBA?
- On July 20 at 5.30 pm CEST Luiss Business School invites you to join the online presentation of the Full-time MBA and learn more about the 2021 edition starting next October. A 12-months challenging and stimulating programme for young professionals willing to give a boost to their career and become global leaders.
What is the LUISS Business School alumni network?
- The Luiss Business School Alumni become ambassadors in all professional communities, in Italy and abroad. This is powered by the “Connect” community, an exclusive network platform where the Luiss Business School Alumni have the chance to keep on talking with their peers and colleagues, matching with new professional opportunities.
Who is the Dean for Internationalization at LUISS Business School?
- With this advice Matteo Caroli, Associate Dean for internationalization of the Luiss Business School, hailed the Graduation Day of the students of the nine international masters, edition 2018/2019.