Quali sono i sinonimi di cinismo?
Quali sono i sinonimi di cinismo?
(estens.) [comportamento da persona cinica; disprezzo verso tutto ciò che è nobile e ideale: agire con freddo c.] ≈ freddezza, indifferenza, insensibilità. cinismo s. m. [dal lat.
Quali autori facevano parte della scuola cinica?
Diogene di Sinope per alcuni, i cinici furono i seguaci della scuola filosofica fondata dai pensatori socratici Antistene di Atene e Diogene di Sinope nel IV secolo a.C. (molti cinici del I secolo d.C. e successivi, infatti, ritennero Antistene e/o Diogene i fondatori della propria scuola, se non, tramite la loro mera intercessione ...
What are some examples of being cynical?
- The definition of cynical is having a belief that people only do things to serve their own needs. An example of cynical is someone who believes another only gave to charity to get a date with the person asking for the donation.
What does the word cynic imply?
- A person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness.
- A person whose outlook is scornfully and habitually negative.
- Cynic A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who believed virtue to be the only good and self-control to be the only means of achieving virtue.
What is cynical behavior?
- Cynical Behaviors is a collection of Indigo plugin devices that represent virtual devices and behaviors. Think of its behavior devices as things that happen to other devices in Indigo.
What does being cynical mean?
- cynical(Adjective) of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated only or primarily by base desires or selfishness. cynical(Adjective) skeptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others.