Chi è sepolto nel mausoleo di Adriano?

Chi è sepolto nel mausoleo di Adriano?
Il Mausoleo ospitò i resti dell'imperatore Adriano e di sua moglie Sabina, dell'imperatore Antonino Pio, di sua moglie Faustina maggiore e di tre dei loro figli, di Lucio Elio Cesare, di Commodo, dell'imperatore Marco Aurelio e di altri tre dei suoi figli, dell'imperatore Settimio Severo, di sua moglie Giulia Domna e ...
What is the purpose of the Castel Sant'Angelo?
- Castel Sant'Angelo. Known as Hadrian's Tomb, the Castel Sant'Angelo is a fortress located on the right bank of the Tiber, a short distance from the Vatican City. Construction of the building began in the year 135 under the direction of the Emperor Hadrian, who intended to use it as mausoleum for himself and his family.
Who is the angel on the Ponte sant'angelos?
- The top statue is of Michael the Archangel, the angel from whom the building derives its name. Ponte Sant'Angelos Angel figures The tomb of the Roman emperor Hadrian, also called Hadrian's mole, was erected on the right bank of the Tiber, between AD 1.
Can I get into Castel Sant'Angelo with a mobile phone voucher?
- Mobile phone voucher accepted. By booking admission to Castel Sant'Angelo, you can visit the Castle, admire its interior, and enjoy the magnificent views of Rome from its towering ramparts overlooking the Tiber.
Is Castel Sant Angelo open on Christmas Day?
- There are no closure days except on Christmas, 1st January, 1st of May and exceptional closures. Which is the advance I should respect before withdraw the tickets at the ticket office? The ticket for Castel Sant Angelo is open, that means you can go anytime on the day you booked. Is it possible to book audio guides at Castel Sant Angelo?