Cosa significa IE inglese?

Cosa significa IE inglese?
i. e. – Abbreviazione talvolta usata per id est (v.); abbastanza frequente nell'uso della lingua scritta inglese, dov'è letto that is «cioè».
Come si legge IE?
Se si dovesse leggere ad alta voce un testo in inglese e si incontrasse (come spesso accade) l'abbreviazione i.e. o anche e.g. cosa si fa: 1) La si legge come "id est"/"exempli gratia" con la pronuncia originale latina.
Come abbreviare Per esempio?
p. e. – Abbreviazione poco com. di per esempio (più spesso p. es. o per es.).
What is the meaning of IE in English?
- "i.e." in English. See all translations. i.e. uk /ˌaɪˈiː/ us /ˌaɪˈiː/. › used especially in writing before a piece of information that makes the meaning of something clearer or shows its true meaning:
How do you use IE in a sentence?
- Capitalize i.e. only when it is at the beginning of a sentence. How do you use i.e.? Use i.e. where the phrases "that is" and "in other words" are appropriate. It is always followed by a comma. For example, "They live in The Big Apple, i.e.,
Do you use italics for IE in a sentence?
- The punctuation for i.e. can be tricky. Different language usage guides, different countries, and different kinds of writing have variations in the way they punctuate i.e. in sentences. The following guidelines seem to be used consistently, though. There is no need to use italics ( i.e.) when writing this Latin abbreviation.
Do you put a comma after ie in a sentence?
- In English, this translates to that is or in other words. It is important to make sure that i.e. is being used correctly in the sentences you write. This means checking for correct meaning and punctuation. A comma usually comes before and after i.e. unless the phrase is in parentheses. In this case, a comma comes after i.e. only.