Che cos'è la spirulina ea cosa serve?


Che cos'è la spirulina ea cosa serve?

Che cos'è la spirulina ea cosa serve?

La spirulina è una micro alga blu-verde, di aspetto filamentoso e a spirale, tradizionalmente considerata un super-alimento grazie alle molteplici proprietà benefiche provenienti dal suo consistente contenuto di vitamine ed elementi antiossidanti.

Perché prendere la spirulina?

La spirulina funziona come un efficace tonico ricostituente. Ricca di ferro e vitamine del gruppo B, A, C, E aiuta a contrastare la stanchezza da affaticamento fisico e mentale, a supportare l'organismo nei cambi di stagione e a rafforzare il sistema immunitario.

What are the dangers of spirulina?

  • Heavy Metal Toxicity. Many commercially-available brands of spirulina have low levels of heavy metals that do not fall within an unsafe range,according to a study published in the Saudi ...
  • Cytotoxin Contamination. ...
  • Not for Pregnant and Nursing Women. ...
  • Choosing a Safe Spirulina Supplement. ...

Why is Spirulina a superfood?

  • Spirulina is the king of superfoods, and for good reason! Spirulina is an incredible source of concentrated and highly absorbable nutrients, and an exceptional source for protein. Spirulina is called a blue-green algae because it contains both chlorophyll (providing green pigment) and phycocyanin (blue pigment).

What foods contain spirulina?

  • Liver.
  • Oysters.
  • Spirulina.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms.
  • Nuts and Seeds.
  • Lobster.
  • Leafy Greens.
  • Dark Chocolate.

What are the disadvantages of spirulina cultivation?

  • The Disadvantages of Spirulina Spirulina Synopsis. Spirulina is a primitive form of blue-green algae called cyanobacteria, yet it has the ability to absorb sunlight and use it for energy like other types of plants. Toxic Contaminants. ... Diverse Amounts of Iodine. ... Other Safety Concerns. ...

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