A cosa serve Pulsatilla compositum?


A cosa serve Pulsatilla compositum?

A cosa serve Pulsatilla compositum?

Pulsatilla compositum in fiale è un rimedio omeopatico utilizzato in omeopatia come fluidificante del catarro ed antinfiammatorio delle mucose.

A cosa serve Pulsatilla 9Ch?

Pulsatilla Pratensis 9Ch è indicato per curare gli stati cronici di raffreddore e congiuntivite oculare, vene varicose, flebiti, addome gonfio, diarrea, emorroidi, asma bronchiale, incontinenza urinaria emotiva, sindrome premestruale, nevralgia testicolare, insonnia, ansia, otiti.

A cosa serve il Mercurius Solubilis?

Il Mercurius solubilis - anche noto come "Mercurius vivus" e talvolta semplicemente abbreviato in "mercurio" - è un rimedio omeopatico largamente impiegato nel trattamento di disturbi che interessano diversi distretti corporei, come l'apparato digerente, le vie respiratorie superiori, i denti o le articolazioni.

What are the health benefits of homeopathic Pulsatilla?

  • Homeopathic Pulsatilla: Facts, Health Benefits, and Uses 1 Women’s Health Problems. 2 Antiviral Activity. 3 Allergies. 4 Eye Infections. 5 Digestive Disorders. 6 ... (more items)

What is a Pulsatilla person?

  • The pulsatilla person is Chilly, which means that she always feels cold, even when others do not think so. Despite this, she will prefer staying out in the fresh cold air. Being inside a warm room will suffocate her. The pains in her body keep shifting from one place to another.

What is the common name of Pulsatilla pratensis?

  • Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.) Common Names: Small pasque flower. General Information. Those needing Pulsatilla pratensis (nigricans) tend to be timid, sensitive, gentle and yielding. Physical and emotional symptoms are changeable.

Is Pulsatilla the best remedy for female complaints?

  • It is a remedy that is pre-eminently suited to female complaints. Pulsatilla is the most appropriate remedy for stereotypical treatment. All of us have, at some point in our lives, encountered at least one Pulsatilla woman. As you read on ahead, you will have a mental picture of several women who match up to the description.

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