Come funziona finanziamento BMW Motorrad?


Come funziona finanziamento BMW Motorrad?

Come funziona finanziamento BMW Motorrad?

Leasing Finanziario Con la nostra formula di leasing puoi guidare subito la moto dei tuoi sogni versando un minimo anticipo e finanziando la parte rimanente con canoni mensili particolarmente vantaggiosi e a fine contratto puoi restituire la moto o riscattarla e diventarne proprietario.

Qual è la macchina più costosa della BMW?

M8 First Edition Supercar Blondie, famosissima YouTuber appassionata di motori, ci mostra da vicino quella che è la BMW più costosa della storia del brand: la M8 First Edition. Si tratta di un modello estremamente esclusivo, visti i soli 400 esemplari prodotti.

What does BMW Financial Services do?

  • “Financial Services”. The BMW Group Financial Services segment was formed in 1991, to support sales of BMW Group products, reach out to new customer groups, provide financing for different levels of trade and offer sales-support services. Launch of customer financing.

When did BMW Kreditbank GmbH start offering vehicle financing?

  • In 1982, BMW Kreditbank GmbH also started offering vehicle financing for retail customers. In April 1988, BMW Leasing GmbH and BMW Kreditbank GmbH merged to form BMW Bank GmbH.

What is balloon financing for a BMW?

  • BMW balloon financing. Get all the benefits and security of ownership with low monthly payments. BMW Financial Services offers two balloon financing options – BMW Select and BMW Owner's Choice – to get you behind the wheel. BMW i financing.

Is there a BMW finance company in China?

  • Launch in China. BMW Automotive Finance (China) Ltd. was established in 2010. In 2015 almost all approx. 460 BMW and 110 MINI dealerships are offering their own retail financing products. Launch in China. BMW Automotive Finance (China) Ltd. was established in 2010.

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