Who is Luke Skywalker's girl?


Who is Luke Skywalker's girl?

Who is Luke Skywalker's girl?

Mara Jade Skywalker She appears in the now non-canon Legends series as the wife of Luke Skywalker and mother of Ben Skywalker....Mara Jade.
Mara Jade Skywalker
OccupationEmperor's Hand, smuggler, trader, Jedi Master
AffiliationGalactic Empire Smugglers' Alliance New Republic Jedi Galactic Alliance

Why is Luke Skywalker's name Luke?

Lucas changed it because he thought Starkiller sounded a little too aggressive, specifically reminding him of Charles Manson, so he changed the name to Skywalker. ... Luke, they added, was inspired by the Greek “leukos” meaning “light.” Which is meant to be the opposite of Darth Vader, but try saying leukos out loud.

Is KYLO Ren Luke Skywalker brother?

Introduced in the 2015 film The Force Awakens, he is portrayed by Adam Driver. Kylo Ren is the chosen name of Ben Solo, the only child of original Star Wars trilogy characters Han Solo, a retired smuggler for crime lord Jabba the Hutt, and Princess Leia Organa, twin sister of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker.

Is Luke Anakin's dad?

Anakin Skywalker is the son of Shmi Skywalker, born without a father through the Force. He is the secret husband of Padmé Amidala, the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the father-in-law of Han Solo, and the maternal grandfather of Ben Solo.

Did Luke Skywalker have a daughter?

In Canon no child, wife or even lover of Luke has ever been mentioned. There are some theories that Rey is Luke's daughter but those are just unconfirmed theories. Originally Answered: In the Star Wars lore, did Luke Skywalker have children? In the old EU (now Legends) Luke has a son called Ben Skywalker.

Who did Luke Skywalker date?

Luke Skywalker
AffiliationCanon Rebel Alliance Jedi New Republic New Jedi Order Resistance Legends: Galactic Alliance Jedi Council
FamilyPadmé Amidala (mother) Anakin Skywalker (father) Leia Organa (sister) Han Solo (brother-in-law) Ben Solo (nephew)
SpouseMara Jade (Legends)
ChildrenBen Skywalker (Legends)

Is Luke Skywalker the true Chosen One?

  • Despite being the protagonist, Luke Skywalker is not the Chosen One. While Obi-Wan Kenobi (and many fans) believed Luke was the one, George Lucas confirmed that Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) was the child of the prophecy and the one who ultimately defeated the Sith Lord Palpatine.

Is Luke Skywalker a good hero?

  • Luke Skywalker is an epic hero because he possesses the 8 traits. He has a quest, which is to destroy the Empire, he has a special ability, which is the force, he lived in a mythical place, which is Tatooine , and he has a come back moment, in which he convinces his father(Darth Vader) there is still good in him.

Does Luke Skywalker kill Darth Vader?

  • Neither Luke Skywalker nor any of the Jedi were powerful to kill Emperor Palpatine . However, Darth Vader was the chosen one from prophesy, conceived by midi-chlorians and born to the human slave Shmi as Anakin Skywalker.

Does Luke Skywalker have a middle name?

  • Luke Skywalker doesn't have a middle name because when he was born all Amidala /skywalker (his mother) was able to say was "Luke" and nothing else, but his uncle and aunt who raised him called him Luke Cliegg Lars in order to hide him from the sith .(just for some extra info Cliegg Lars was the name of Lukes grandfather who was also the husband of ...

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