Come si trasmette la sindrome di Tourette?

Come si trasmette la sindrome di Tourette?
Studi sulla genetica hanno indicato che la Sindrome di Tourette viene ereditata come gene somatico dominante, tuttavia membri della stessa famiglia possono manifestare sintomi diversi. Un genitore ha il 50 % delle possibilità di trasmetterla ad uno dei suoi figli.
Cosa provoca la sindrome di Tourette?
La causa della sindrome di Tourette è tuttora scarsamente conosciuta. Si ritiene, tuttavia, che l'origine sia neurologica e associata al malfunzionamento di alcune aree del cervello, note come gangli della base, responsabili del controllo dei movimenti del corpo.
What does Tourette syndrome do to a person?
- Tourette syndrome is a condition that affects the brain and nerves, causing people to make repeated movements and sounds , also known as motor and vocal tics, that they cannot control. The symptoms usually begin in childhood, can vary from mild to severe, and change over time.
What does Tourette syndrome feel like?
- People with Tourettes describe what their tics feel like in different ways. For me, different tics have different sensations. Some feel like I’m being yanked from the inside, others are more like a pressure building up that needs to be released, like a sneeze.
What is the history behind Tourette syndrome?
- Although the cause of Tourette syndrome is unknown, evidence suggests that there may be an abnormality of one or more chemical neurotransmitters in the brain. It is named for Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first described the disorder in 1885.
How to control Tourette syndrome?
- No medications can cure Tourette syndrome. However, your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following drugs: haloperidol (Haldol), fluphenazine, tetrabenazine, or other neuroleptic drugs: These can help to block or dampen dopamine receptors in your brain and help control your tics.