Quali aerei partono da Malpensa?


Quali aerei partono da Malpensa?

Quali aerei partono da Malpensa?

TP 00829

  • A3 01797 aegean airlines.
  • AD 07480 air azul.
  • MS 09431 egyptair.
  • EY 01620 etihad airways.
  • S4 08236 sata international.
  • PS 09954 ukraine international airlines.

Quanto dista il terminal 1 dal Terminal 2 di Malpensa?

La distanza tra Malpensa Airport - Terminal 2 e Malpensa Terminal 1 è 3 km.

Why choose Car Rental at Milan airport Malpensa T2?

  • Getting around is so much easier for travelers who opt for car rental at Milan Airport Malpensa T2 as the airport is 40 km from the centre of Milan. Driving a luxury rental allows you to enjoy more comfort and also means that you won't have to rely on public transport with its erratic timetables.

Is there a shuttle from Malpensa Terminal 1 to Terminal 2?

  • For transfers from Malpensa Terminal 1 to Malpensa Terminal 2 and vice-versa, a convenient free shuttle bus service and a fast connection via the Malpensa Express train are available. The bus shuttle service is free and operates every day from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. with a frequency of about 20 minutes.

How to get to Malpensa by rail?

  • Railway connection between Terminals 1 and 2 of Malpensa is available every day from 4:27 a.m. to 00:20 a.m. and it is free for every passenger in possession of a valid ticket from one of the two Malpensa Terminals. The station is located at -1 floor (underground floor)

How to find parking at viamilano?

  • 3,700 uncovered parking places directly accessible from the SS336. An optimal solution also for departures from Terminal 1, thanks to the free shuttle service every 7 minutes. All the ViaMilano Parking quality at the lowest price for stays of over 7 days. 4 minutes walk from Terminal 1. Free shuttle service to Terminal 2.

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