Cosa è la stenosi aortica?

Cosa è la stenosi aortica?
La stenosi aortica è una riduzione della capacità di apertura della valvola aortica. La stenosi aortica rappresenta un'ostruzione alla fisiologica fuoriuscita del sangue tra il ventricolo sinistro e l'aorta nel corso della sistole, ossia durante la contrazione del cuore.
How long does someone with aortic stenosis live?
- Depends on symptoms. Patients with uncorrected aortic stenosis have a poor survival: half of the patients that develop angina ( chest pain) will die within 5 years, half of the patients that develop syncope (passing out) will die within 3 years, and half of the patients that develop heart failure will die within 2 years.
What are the treatments for aortic stenosis?
- In that case you may be advised to limit strenuous activity and to quit smoking if you currently are. While there are no medications to treat aortic stenosis specifically, your doctor may prescribe medication to treat the symptoms, including diuretics, nitrates, and beta-blockers.
What is the prognosis of severe aortic stenosis (as)?
- If untreated: Eventually if it goes untreated. Once patients become symptomatic from severe aortic stenosis (chest pain, shortness of breath, passing out) then the 2 year survival is only about 50%. Therefore patients with aortic stenosis should see their cardiologist regularly.
What is congenital aortic stenosis?
- Congenital aortic stenosis refers to a narrowed aortic valve with varying degrees of obstruction. Usually the valve is bicuspid, but other variations exist. Aortic stenosis is a spectrum in which the degree of obstruction ranges from mild to severe. Patients with mild aortic stenosis have no symptoms and do not require an intervention.