Quanto costa biglietto Villa d'Este?


Quanto costa biglietto Villa d'Este?

Quanto costa biglietto Villa d'Este?

€ 12,00 L'ingresso per i visitatori è su Piazza Trento, l'uscita obbligatoria da Piazza Campitelli. La durata massima della visita prevista è di 2 ore. biglietto intero ordinario € 12,00 (con mostra Ecce Homo: l'incontro fra il divino e l'umano per una diversa antropologia.

Dove andare a mangiare a Tivoli?

Ristoranti e trattorie a Tivoli da non perdere

  • Cinque Statue – di fronte l'ingresso di Villa Gregoriana c'è questo gioiellino. ...
  • Alfredo alla Scaletta – è la trattoria per eccellenza. ...
  • Il Cavallino Rosso – storico ristorante tiburtino che offre un menù di pesce buonissimo e poi una pizza napoletana…

What is the Tivoli Garden?

  • The garden is generally considered within the larger –and altogether extraordinary-- context of Tivoli itself: its landscape, art and history which includes the important ruins of ancient villas such as the Villa Adriana, as well as a zone rich in caves and waterfalls displaying the unending battle between water and stone.

Who built the palace of Tivoli in Italy?

  • The palace and the gardens of Villa d’Este in Tivoli, in the centre of Italy, were layed out by Pirro Ligorio (1500-1583) on behalf of Cardinal Ippolito II d’Este of Ferrara (1509-1572), who, after being named governor of Tivoli in 1550, desired the realization of a palace adequate to his new status.

What makes the Villa d'Este in Tivoli so special?

  • The Villa d'Este in Tivoli, with its palace and garden, is one of the most remarkable and comprehensive illustrations of Renaissance culture at its most refined. Its innovative design along with the architectural components in the garden (fountains, ornamental basins, etc.) make this a unique example of an Italian 16th-century garden.

Where can I buy tickets for a guided tour in Tivoli?

  • Villa d'Este, Tivoli (Italy) - Official Site. Useful Information. Call Center 199.766.166. Number to dial from all of Italy for pre-sales and reservations for: tickets, guided tours, school groups, instructional visits.

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