Chi ha diritto all'una tantum?

Chi ha diritto all'una tantum?
L'indennità una tantum privilegiata è una somma economica erogata nei confronti del personale appartenente alle Forze Armate (Esercito, Marina e Aeronautica), all'Arma dei Carabinieri, alle Forze di Polizia ad ordinamento civile (Polizia di Stato, Corpo forestale dello Stato e Polizia Penitenziaria) e militare (Guardia ...
Come funziona la tassazione separata?
I redditi soggetti a tassazione separata sono redditi percepiti una tantum o, co- munque, non periodicamente, che derivano, generalmente, da fatti economici a formazione pluriennale. Per tale motivo non concorrono a formare il reddito complessivo del soggetto percettore evitando un prelievo fiscale troppo oneroso.
What does tantum mean?
- The surname Tantum is a habitation name that was originally derived from pre-existing names for towns, villages, parishes, or farmsteads. The surname originated as a means of identifying individuals from a particular area.
What does tantum meaning of word?
- Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word tantum. Tantum is a small settlement located in the southwest corner of the island Brava, Cape Verde. It is one of the southernmost settlements in Cape Verde.
What does Tantum ergo mean in Latin?
- Tantum ergo. The hymn's Latin incipit literally translates to “Therefore so great.” The singing of Tantum ergo occurs during veneration and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church and other denominations that have this devotion. It is usually sung, though solemn recitation is sometimes done, and permitted.
What is a plural tantum?
- Plurale tantum. A plurale tantum is a noun that only occurs in the plural. The term is a traditional term used for words which (a) end in a plural affix, (b) have a plural meaning, and (c) do not have a singular counterpart.