Come è morta Adriana di Rocky Balboa?
Come è morta Adriana di Rocky Balboa?
Rocky Balboa è diventato vedovo di Adriana (morta nel 2002 a causa di un tumore) e gestisce un ristorante a Philadelphia chiamato "Adrian's".
Chi gridava Adriana?
Un'altra curiosità sul doppiaggio è che il famoso grido "Adriana!!", alla fine del film, è sempre stato attribuito a Ferruccio Amendola mentre invece è la voce di Gigi Proietti che per l'appunto doppiò Stallone nel primo film della saga.
Come finisce il film Rocky?
Terminato l'incontro, in un clima di forte tensione e forti emozioni, viene dato il verdetto finale: Creed vince ai punti e conserva il titolo di campione del mondo, ma la folla acclama a gran voce il nome di Rocky per la capacità di aver incassato tutti quei colpi ed essere riuscito a stare in piedi per tutti e 15 i ...
Chi da la voce a Rocky?
Gigi Proietti è il nostro (primo) Rocky.
What is the story of Rocky and Adrienne?
- If you don't know the story, its about A brain injured boxer and loan collector for the loan shark, Rocky Balboa, who has a crush on painfully shy Adrienne, his friend Burt's sister who works at the pet shop. Rocky played beautifully by Sylvester Stallone in his finest performance ever.
What happened to Adrian in Rocky IV?
- Adrian had slipped into a coma and the baby was born one month premature but perfectly healthy. Rocky stood by Adrian's bed until she woke up from the coma. Adrian then told Rocky to "Win!" the rematch of the fight against Apollo. Adrian was watching the fight on the television and saw Rocky prevail against Apollo.
How did rocky propose marriage to Adrian?
- In Rocky II, Rocky proposed marriage to Adrian in the Philadelphia Zoo. Shortly after their marriage, Rocky started to lavish gifts upon his bride from the money he made from the fight with Apollo Creed. Rocky bought a new house and a few weeks later Rocky found out that Adrian was pregnant.
How did Adrian Butkus and rocky fall in love?
- When Rocky took Adrian to his house and kissed her for the first time, the two became a couple. When Rocky started training for the match against Apollo Creed, Adrian gave Butkus to accompany him while he was training. When the fight came along, Adrian watches, and when the fight finishes, Rocky calls out to her, and the two declare their love.