Come è fatto il Pantheon?
Come è fatto il Pantheon?
La struttura del Pantheon è composta da tre elementi architettonici: uno spazio interno a pianta circolare costituito da una rotonda interna ed una esterna sovrastati da una cupola emisferica. un avancorpo che collega lo spazio interno al pronao. un pronao ottastilo.
A quale divinità era dedicato il Pantheon?
Le divinità principali e più antiche, venerate nel periodo arcaico, erano Giove (Iupiter), Marte (Mars) e Quirino (Quirinus).
What was the Pantheon first used for?
- The Roman Pantheon was originally built as a temple for all the gods . Pan is Greek for "all" or "every" and theos is Greek for "god" (e.g., theology). Pantheism is a doctrine or religion that worships all gods.
What does the word pantheon mean?
- Pantheon(noun) a temple dedicated to all the gods; especially, the building so called at Rome. Pantheon(noun) the collective gods of a people, or a work treating of them; as, a divinity of the Greek pantheon.
What was the purpose of the Pantheon?
- The Pantheon has been called a “perfect” space because the diameter of the rotunda is equal to that of its height (43m, 142ft). The purpose of this space was to suggest geometrical perfection and symmetry in the context of a perfect universe.
Is pantheon God or goddesses?
- A pantheon is the particular set of all gods of any individual polytheistic religion, mythology, or tradition. The word, pantheon derives from Greek πάνθεον pantheon, literally " (a temple) of all gods ", "of or common to all gods" from πᾶν pan- "all" and θεός theos "god".