Come tradurre un paper?


Come tradurre un paper?

Come tradurre un paper?

Tradurre un documento

  1. Apri un documento in Documenti Google sul computer.
  2. Nel menu in alto, fai clic su Strumenti. Traduci documento.
  3. Inserisci un nome per il documento tradotto e seleziona una lingua.
  4. Fai clic su Traduttore.
  5. Una copia tradotta del documento si aprirà in una nuova finestra.

How do I use Google Translate on my computer?

  • View translations easily as you browse the web. By the Google Translate team. Highlight or right-click on a section of text and click on Translate icon next to it to translate it to your language. Or, to translate the entire page you're visiting, click the translate icon on the browser toolbar.

How do I remove the Google Translate extension?

  • The easiest way to remove the Google Translate Extension is to hover your mouse over the Google Translate icon, right click your mouse, and choose Remove From Chrome. The second option is to return to the Chrome store – you can get there quickly by clicking on the Download button on this page.

How do I change the default language in Google Translate?

  • Click on Google Translate icon, then go to Extension Options, select your primary language (in my case was English, but I speak Spanish. If you are trying to learn English and your browser is in English, this extension may not work. Try to select your original language). Finally, click on inmediately display popup and voila.

How do I translate text in my browser?

  • Click on the icon to display the translation. Turn off both the pop-up and icon options. If you choose the last option, you can always highlight the text you want to translate, and then click on the extension icon on your browser. The extension will then show you the translation.

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