Come si tara il termoscopio?


Come si tara il termoscopio?

Come si tara il termoscopio?

Lo segniamo con un pennarello indelebile. Se inseriamo il termoscopio dentro all'acqua che bolle, il mercurio al suo interno sale e si ferma a un certo punto: questo indica la temperatura di ebollizione dell'acqua, che per convenzione chiamiamo 100. Lo segniamo con un pennarello indelebile.

Come si legge il termometro Galileo?

Quando il dispositivo ha raggiunto l'equilibrio termico con l'ambiente esterno, si può leggere la temperatura osservando il numero riportato sulla più bassa fra le ampolline rimaste a galla.

When did Galileo invent the thermoscope?

  • Vincenzo Viviani, in his Vita di Galileo [Life of Galileo], states that the thermoscope was designed by Galileo in 1597. This is confirmed by Benedetto Castelli in his letter of Septem, to Ferdinando Cesarini, in which he describes the use of the instrument. The thermoscope consists of an egg-sized glass with a long neck.

Why is it called the Galilei thermometer?

  • The individual floats rise or fall in proportion to their respective density and the density of the surrounding liquid as the temperature changes. It is named after Galileo Galilei because he discovered the principle on which this thermometer is based—that the density of a liquid changes in proportion to its temperature.

What did Galileo discover about the density of liquids?

  • Galileo discovered that the density of a liquid is a function of its temperature. This is the key to how the Galileo thermometer works: as the temperature of most liquids increases, their density decreases.

How does a thermoscope work?

  • The thermoscope consists of an egg-sized glass with a long neck. The jar is heated with the hands and partially immersed, upside down, in a container filled with water. When the hands are removed, the water rises in the neck. The experiment demonstrated the changes in air density caused by temperature variations.

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