Cosa vuol dire Nike in greco?

Cosa vuol dire Nike in greco?
NIKE (Νίκη; dorico Νίκα; tardo-greco: Νείκη). - Dea della vittoria, innanzitutto colei che dà la vittoria. Probabilmente come dea, al pari della Vittoria (Victoria) romana (v.
Che significa Nike in italiano?
Origine e diffusione Etimologicamente, deriva dal greco antico Νικη (Nike), che significa appunto "vittoria", termine su cui sono basati anche i nomi Niceta e Niceforo; dal punto di vista semantico, invece, è affine a Vittoria, Győző e Vijaya.
Come si chiama il tempio dedicato ad Atena?
Partenone Il Partenone (in greco antico: Παρθενών, Parthenṓn /partʰe'nɔ:n/; in greco: Παρθενώνας, traslitterato: Parthenṓnas /parθe'nɔnas/) è un tempio greco periptero octastilo di ordine dorico, che sorge sull'acropoli di Atene, dedicato alla dea Atena.
Who is the father of victory Nike?
- O defence of Olympus, father of warlike Victory (Nike). Nike and her siblings were close companions of Zeus, the dominant deity of the Greek pantheon. According to classical (later) myth, Styx brought them to Zeus when the god was assembling allies for the Titanomachy against the older deities.
What is the meaning of Nike in the Roman mythology?
- Roman Name. Translation. NIKE (Nicé) was the winged goddess of victory--victory both in war and in peaceful competition. When Zeus was gathering allies at the start of the Titan War, Styx brought her four children Nike (Victory), Zelos (Rivalry), Kratos (Cratus Strength) and Bia (Force) into the god's service.
What company is named after the Greek goddess Nike?
- The sports equipment company Nike, Inc., is named after the Greek goddess Nike. The Nike company's primary product is shoes. The Goddess Nike is usually depicted as barefoot and/or winged. Project Nike, an American anti-aircraft missile system, is named after the goddess Nike.