What is the full meaning of gross?


What is the full meaning of gross?

What is the full meaning of gross?

adjective, gross·er, gross·est. without deductions; total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like (opposed to net): gross earnings;gross sales. unqualified; complete; rank: a gross scoundrel. flagrant and extreme: gross injustice.

What gross actually means?

Get ready, because gross has a few different meanings. When something is gross, it's disgusting. The noun, a gross, is the complete amount (before expenses), and the verb "to gross" is to bring in money. Two things will tell you which meaning is the right one with a word like gross: the part of speech and the context.

What does a gross person mean?

If you describe someone as gross, you mean that they are extremely fat and unattractive. ... If a person or a business grosses a particular amount of money, they earn that amount of money before tax has been taken away.

What does gross mean in text?

GROSS. Definition: Disgusting. Type: Slang Word (Jargon)

What is the synonym of gross?

disgusting, repellent, repulsive, abhorrent, loathsome, detestable, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, stomach-churning, stomach-turning, off-putting, unpalatable, unappetizing, uninviting, unsavoury, distasteful, foul, nasty, obnoxious, odious. North American vomitous. informal yucky, icky, sick-making, gut-churning.

How do you use the word gross?

Examples of gross in a Sentence Adjective They have suffered a gross injustice. She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair. Verb They grossed $50,000 before taxes.

Why does Gross mean disgusting?

It comes from the Old French word “grosse” which meant large or a large amount of something. A gross of something today is a dozen dozen or 12 x 12, or 144. Gross didn't come to mean extremely unpleasant until 1958. It was a student slang of the time and stuck.

What's worse than disgusting?

loathsome, sickening, nauseous, repulsive, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, detestable.

When did gross become a slang word?

This connotation appears to have become popular as a slang term among teenagers in the '60s/'70s, but its earliest usage appears to date from 1958: Meaning "disgusting" is first recorded 1958 in U.S. student slang, from earlier use as an intensifier of unpleasant things ( gross stupidity , etc.)

What's another name for disgusted?

loathsome, sickening, nauseous, repulsive, revolting, repugnant, abhorrent, detestable.

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