Cosa insegnare con LM 6?


Cosa insegnare con LM 6?

Cosa insegnare con LM 6?

Vecchie classi di concorso
CodiceAltro codiceDescrizione
40/AA040Igiene, anatomia, fisiologia, patologia generale e dell'apparato masticatorio
59/AA059Scienze matematiche, chimiche, fisiche e naturali nella scuola media
57/AA057Scienza degli alimenti
60/AA060Scienze naturali, chimica e geografia, microbiologia
1 altra riga

Quali materie si possono insegnare con la laurea in biologia?

Un laureato Magistrale in Biologia potrà, ad esempio, insegnare alle scuole medie Matematica e Scienze. Nelle scuole superiori potrà insegnare, invece, Scienze della Terra, Biologia e Chimica.

Chi deve integrare 12 CFU Geo?

I laureati in Biologia (LS-6 e LM-6), Biotecnologie agrarie (LS-7 e LM-7), Biotecnologie industriali (LS-8 e LM-8), Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche (LS-9 e LM-9) dovranno possedere almeno 12 CFU in settori GEO.

Who is the LM6 suitable for?

  • The LM6 is suitable for experienced and competent XC pilots who spend more than 100 hours per year in thermal conditions, and seek a wing that will carry them deep into vol-biv territory. The LM6 is a popular choice for vol-biv adventurers and competitors in races such as the X-Pyrenees.

What are the application and general notes for aluminium LM6?

  • Application and General notes. Having high resistance to corrosion and excellent castability, aluminium LM6 is suitable for most marine 'on deck' castings, water-cooled manifolds and jackets, motor car and road transport fittings, thin section and intricate castings such as motor housings, meter cases and switch boxes,...

What is the corrosion resistance of aluminium LM6?

  • Aluminium LM6 exhibits excellent resistance to corrosion under both ordinary atmospheric and marine conditions. For the severest conditions, this property can be further enhanced by anodic treatment.

What is LM6 die casting material?

  • LM6 is equally adaptable for sand casting and aluminium die casting ( gravity die casting and pressure die casting ). It has excellent resistance to corrosion in marine environments, possesses excellent ductility, but is of medium strength and is not heat treated.

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