Come è morto Paul Walker incidente?


Come è morto Paul Walker incidente?

Come è morto Paul Walker incidente?

In una zona a velocità di 72 km/h sulla Hercules Street vicino a Kelly Johnson Parkway a Valencia, Santa Clarita, California, l'auto si schiantò contro un lampione di cemento e due alberi e prese fuoco.

Chi guidava la macchina di Paul Walker?

Toyota Supra All'asta la Toyota Supra guidata da Paul Walker in Fast & Furious.

What happened to Paul Walker's body?

  • Walker’s body is still fairly intact. He has fallen backwards and his arms are spread apart. He is completely burned. No more clothes on his body .” Rodas, meanwhile, is “badly burned” as well, the source says. “Just his upper body can be seen.” Last picture of Paul Walker alive, before getting into the porsche that crashed.

What happened to Paul Walker from fast and furious?

  • His life was cut short when a Porsche he was riding in crashed on Novem, during a few days off in the filming of the seventh movie in the popular series. He was 40. Paul Walker, a star of the "Fast & Furious" movie franchise, died in a car crash on Novem.

What happened to Paul Walker's Porsche?

  • Story highlights Porsche says the car had been used improperly and Walker was assumed the risks of using the vehicle as a "sophisticated user" Paul Walker died on Novem while riding in a Porsche Carrera GT His friend Roger Rodas was driving when the car crashed, killing both

What happened to Rodas and Walker?

  • “ The bodies are severely burned and can be clearly seen lying inside the vehicle. Walker’s body is still fairly intact. He has fallen backwards and his arms are spread apart. He is completely burned. No more clothes on his body .” Rodas, meanwhile, is “badly burned” as well, the source says. “Just his upper body can be seen.”

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