Cosa vuol dire extracurriculare?
- Cosa vuol dire extracurriculare?
- Che differenza c'è tra tirocinio curriculare e extracurriculare?
- Come si dice curriculari o curricolari?
- What exactly counts as a "extracurricular"?
- What are extracurricular activities and why do you need them?
- What extracurriculars are most impressive?
- What are the pros and cons of extracurricular activities?

Cosa vuol dire extracurriculare?
extracurricolare agg. [comp. di extra- e curricolo]. – Che non rientra in un normale curricolo scolastico: corsi extracurricolari.
Che differenza c'è tra tirocinio curriculare e extracurriculare?
Il tirocinio curriculare è un percorso formativo-professionale inserito da uno studente all'interno del piano di studio. ... Il tirocinio extracurricolare (detto anche semplicemente stage), invece, è svincolato dal piano di studi. Può essere svolto sia da studenti che da laureati.
Come si dice curriculari o curricolari?
Curricolare è più comune di curriculare.
What exactly counts as a "extracurricular"?
- The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word extracurricular as "Not falling within the scope of a regular curriculum. Specifically: of or relating to officially or semi-officially approved and usually organized student activities (such as athletics) connected with school and usually carrying no academic credit"
What are extracurricular activities and why do you need them?
- Learn useful and new skills for yourself. ...
- Sense of commitment and responsibility. ...
- Higher self-esteem and feel-good factor. ...
- Be a better team player and leader. ...
- Meet new people and make new friends. ...
- Find out your interests and passion. ...
- Make a sustainable impact. ...
- Build your resume with experiences. ...
- Get out there and expand your network. ...
What extracurriculars are most impressive?
- Impressive Extracurricular Activities: Student Government Academic Teams and Clubs The Debate Team The Arts Internships Culture Clubs Volunteer Work and Community Service The Student Newspaper A Part-time Job Athletics
What are the pros and cons of extracurricular activities?
- Pros of extracurricular activities include the opportunity for students to explore their own interests outside of school, the ability to learn responsibility, and a better shot at attending college. Cons include the decreased amount of time for studying as well as...