Quanto costa una visita con Alessandra Graziottin?


Quanto costa una visita con Alessandra Graziottin?

Quanto costa una visita con Alessandra Graziottin?

Il costo della prima visita è di 500 euro, sotto i 30 anni di 450 euro. I controlli successivi costano 350 euro, sotto i 30 anni costano 300 euro. Può anche contattare la segreteria del San Raffaele Resnati, dove la Prof. ssa Graziottin riceve al mattino.

Dove esercita Alessandra Graziottin?

Alessandra Graziottin, medico, specialista in Ginecologia-Ostetricia e Oncologia, Psicoterapeuta in Sessuologia, è Direttore del Centro di Ginecologia e Sessuologia Medica dell'H. San Raffaele Resnati di Milano.

What is tibolone used to treat?

  • Tibolone Tibolone is a synthetic hormone used by many post menopausal women to help them through the menopause. It is not termed as “menopausal hormone therapy” (MHT) as it is a synthetic drug (made mainly from Mexican yam) that has the following properties:

Does tibolone prevent bone loss in women with osteoporosis?

  • Although tibolone prevents bone loss, its effects on fractures, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease are uncertain. M... In this trial, tibolone, which has estrogenic, progestogenic, and androgenic effects, was compared with placebo in women between 60 and 85 who had osteoporosis or a vertebral fracture.

Is tibolone progestogenic and estrogenic?

  • Background Tibolone has estrogenic, progestogenic, and androgenic effects. Although tibolone prevents bone loss, its effects on fractures, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease are uncertain. M...

Is tibolone contraindicated in breast cancer?

  • Women on Tibolone still require the regular breast mammograms. However mammographic breast density is not increased with Tibolone improving chances of early detection. It is contraindicated in women with breast cancer. Tibolone decreases total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

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