Che significa Mastoideo?


Che significa Mastoideo?

Che significa Mastoideo?

mastòide agg. e s. f. [dal gr. μαστοειδής «simile a mammella», comp. ... mastoide s. f.), la voluminosa prominenza dell'osso temporale posta dietro il padiglione auricolare, a forma di cono con la punta rivolta in basso.

Dove finisce lo sternocleidomastoideo?

sternocleidomastoideo, muscolo Robusto muscolo che attraversa in diagonale la regione laterale del collo, prendendo inserzione in alto sulla mastoide, in basso sullo sterno e sulla porzione della clavicola prossima a quest'osso.

Come si chiama il muscolo laterale del collo?

Il muscolo sternocleidomastoideo è un muscolo della regione anterolaterale del collo che origina, come dice il nome stesso, da due capi, il capo sternale ed il capo clavicolare.

What is the meaning of mastoid?

  • Of or relating to the mastoid process. 2. Shaped like a breast or nipple. [New Latin mastoīdēs, nipple-like, mastoid (from its shape), from Greek mastoeidēs : mastos, breast + -oeidēs, -oid.]

What are the treatment options for mastoiditis?

  • Mastoiditis is a potentially life-threatening condition. Initial treatment for a severe infection may include hospitalization. You will receive antibiotic medication through a vein in your arm, or intravenously, while at the hospital.

What are the symptoms of mastoiditis behind the ear?

  • redness, swelling, and tenderness behind the affected ear In some cases, mastoiditis may result in the development of a brain abscess or other complications involving your skull. The symptoms of these conditions include severe headaches and swelling behind your eyes. This swelling is known as papilledema.

What is a mastoid bone infection of the skull?

  • Your eustachian tube connects your middle ear to the back of your throat. If an infection develops in your middle ear and blocks your eustachian tube, it may subsequently lead to an infection in the mastoid bone. This serious infection is known as mastoid bone infection of the skull, or mastoiditis. What causes mastoiditis?

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