Come diventare un Amazon Locker?
Come diventare un Amazon Locker?
Per attivare il servizio sarà richiesto di sottoscrivere un contratto con Gate Network, partner qualificato per l'attivazione di punti ritiro Amazon Hub. In caso di idoneità riceverai copia del contratto per Amazon Hub Counter o per Amazon Hub Locker, da visionare prima della sottoscrizione.
Dove trovo il codice Amazon Locker?
Dopo aver effettuato un ordine su Amazon, quando quest'ultimo verrà consegnato all'Amazon Locker selezionato, riceverai un'email contenente un codice univoco di 6 caratteri e tutte le istruzioni necessarie per il ritiro.
How do I find Amazon Locker locations near me?
- To find Amazon Locker locations near you, visit Amazon’s Search for a Locker Location page (you’ll need to sign into your Amazon account in order to see it). It will look something like the image below: You can then search based on the following criteria: Practically speaking, the address and zip code searches will be the most useful.
How do Amazon Lockers work?
- How do Lockers work? It’s easy – customers simply add an Amazon Locker to their Amazon address book and select the location as the shipping address during checkout. Once a package is ready for pickup, customers receive an e-mail with a unique 6 digit code that they’ll use to remove the package from the designated slot.
How do I pick up packages from Amazon Locker?
- When you’re ready to pick up the packages, all you have to do is head to the locker and either enter the unique pickup code using the keypad or scan the barcode in the email you received. If you have the Amazon app, you can also access the pick-up codes and barcodes there.
How do I add Amazon Locker to my address book?
- All you have to do is add your nearest Amazon Locker to your address book and then choose it as your delivery address when you check out. From there, Amazon will handle the rest.