Is it correct to say advise or advice?


Is it correct to say advise or advice?

Is it correct to say advise or advice?

The main difference between advice vs advise is that “advise” (with an S) is a verb, which means to recommend, or to give information to someone. On the other hand, “advice” (with a C) is a noun: an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action.

What is advise example?

1 : to give an opinion or suggestion to someone about what should be done : to give advice to (someone) I strongly advise you to sell your old car. We advised them to save their money. See More Examples. She advises the President on foreign affairs. Our lawyer advised us against buying that house.

What is a synonym advise?

counsel, give counsel, give counselling, give guidance, guide, make recommendations, offer suggestions, offer opinions, give hints, give tips, give pointers, direct, give direction, give directions, instruct, give instruction, illuminate, educate.

How do you use advise in a sentence?

Advise sentence example

  1. I couldn't think of a logical way to advise Detective Jackson. ...
  2. He'll advise you and help you in ways I can't. ...
  3. My queen, I feel I must advise you. ...
  4. It was stupid to eat something from the woods without having someone to advise her.

Is saying please advise rude?

In the end, there's nothing grammatically wrong with “please advise.” It's just a question of usage and style. Some people don't like it because it can be interpreted as rude or demanding. Other people think it's redundant: just ask your question and call it a day.

Can you please advice or advise?

Do you use “Please advice” or “Please advise”? Well, the correct phrase is actually “Please advise”. Some grammar experts say that “Please advise” must have an object after the phrase because advise is a transitive verb. But since it's widely used (especially in email), “Please advise” is grammatically accepted.

How do you use advise?

In other words, to advise means to give advice. For example, here are a couple of examples of advise in a sentence: The lawyer advised the client not to sign anything that she did not read first. My mother always advises me to bring a jacket to the movie theater because the air conditioning can be chilly.

Is advised in sentence?

1. He has been advised to increase his fibre intake. 2. I advised him on technical matters.

Can you advise in a sentence?

In other words, to advise means to give advice. For example, here are a couple of examples of advise in a sentence: The lawyer advised the client not to sign anything that she did not read first. My mother always advises me to bring a jacket to the movie theater because the air conditioning can be chilly.

Is it polite to say please be advised?

It's necessary to be polite; otherwise, you can upset people. “Please be advised,” holds the same function in English. It makes the phrase more polite and respectful.

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